Thursday, April 15, 2010

Last month a bunch of my theatre group friends and i marveled in the magic of the Academy Awards. This event has a large part of the world in a frenzy annually and as you can imagine, we were glued to the screens like a group of 5-year-olds watching the latest animated movie. Due to time zone difference, we had to stay up to watch the awards, which we were more than ready to do; anything to stoke the fire of that dream we birthed when we ourselves were 5-year-olds (or earlier). This was one of the reasons I haven't a post for March, sorry fans. But not to worry as the other reason will more than make up for time lost. I was on location, shooting on the latest film i am in… you thought I was gonna tell you the name of the film, didn't you? haha, in due time…but for now, i'll tell you i'm very proud of the work we were able to get in the can and hopefully, you'll enjoy it. Many thanks to all that supported me and believed in me and not to forget yall who follow me, many many thanks. You're one of the main reasons I do this. til next time- peace... tell a friend...